Community Inclusion Team
During the pandemic, DRNJ's Community Inclusion intensified communications with leadership at the New Jersey Department of Human Services to advocate for improvements to rapidly changing policies to protect the rights and health of people with disabilities.
The team has contributed to DRNJ advocacy to prevent state discrimination against people with all types of disabilities, especially as medical resources are stretched thin. Examples include discrimination in hospital visitation policies and the allocation of life-saving medical care.
March 23
The DD Partners Network held a virtual town hall with a special listening session on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Disability Rights NJ, The Council on Developmental Disabilities, and The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities held an open discussion on the one-year mark of COVID-19 and its impact on individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and their families.
October 29
Disability Rights New Jersey and our developmental disabilities network partners: The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities hosted a Virtual Town Hall focused on issues for adults with developmental disabilities. Our guests from the Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families joined us for the discussion.
Topics covered included:
DDD congregate day habilitation services partial reopening
Flexibilities in service delivery during the pandemic and beyond
The importance of flu shots
Last-minute voting tips
Other issues raised by the participants
August 25
NJ Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families, Paul Aronsohn wrote an open letter to candidates “Make disability rights a top priority.”
August 12
Disability Rights New Jersey staff Michael Brower, Esq. and Jill Hoegel, LCSW along with Values Into Action NJ guest speakers hosted a webinar discussion on guardianship: Alternatives To Guardianship - Supported Decision Making 101. Topics discussed included:
Decision Making
Legal Frameworks
Supported Decision Making and Guardianship
Q&A panel
July 23
Executive Director, Gwen Orlowski Urges NJ Motor Vehicle Commission to Comply with ADA
July 16
Reopening and Reimagining Town Hall Series: A 4-Part Conversation About Services and Supports for Individual with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session Four: Reimagining Special Education and Supports and Services - Striving for the Ideal
July 9
Reopening and Reimagining Town Hall Series: A 4-Part Conversation About Services and Supports for Individual with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session Three: Reopening Schools - Factors to Consider
June 25
Reopening and Reimagining Town Hall Series: A 4-Part Conversation About Services and Supports for Individual with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session Two: Reopening Adult Programs, Supports and Services – Striving for the Ideal
June 18
Reopening and Reimagining Town Hall Series: A 4-Part Conversation About Services and Supports for Individual with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session One: Reopening Adult Programs, Supports and Services – Factors to Consider
May 28
Conversations from Quarantine: Convening the DD Community in Times of COVID-19 - Focus on Children - Part Two
The NJ AIDD Network partners will be joined by Mollie Green, Assistant Commissioner of the Children's System of Care within the Department of Children and Families, who will provide an update on CSOC and be available to respond to participant questions.
May 20
Informative Session on Healthcare Directives and Advance Care Planning
Advanced healthcare planning and decision-making about minor children is more important than ever during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure that your own wishes are carried out should it be necessary.
Topics Covered:
Advanced directives
Healthcare proxy options
Practitioner Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form and what is involved
Standby guardianship for minor children
May 14
Conversations from Quarantine: Convening the DD Community in Times of COVID-19 - Focus on Children - Part One
Disability Rights New Jersey and our developmental disabilities network partners, The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, along with invited guests from the Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families, are pleased to announce virtual town halls with a focus on children’s needs during COVID.
We welcome Dr. Kim Buxenbaum, Director of the Office of Special Education and Dominic Rota, Director of the Office of Special Education Policy and Dispute Resolution. DRNJ staff attorney Robert Robinson and DRNJ Legal Director Rebecca Shore also answering questions.
April 29
Conversations from Quarantine: Convening the Mental Health Community in Times of COVID-19
Disability Rights New Jersey staff and PAIMI Advisory Council Chair, Heather Simms, hosted a virtual town hall on April 29, 2020 about what is not working in this time of COVID-19. This listening session provided an opportunity for individuals with serious mental illness, their advocates, and family members to speak to DRNJ and one another, and to promote the sharing of resources, information, and experiences.
Also provided is a brief update on the continued work of our agency in these constantly changing times.
April 18
NJ AIDD Virtual Town Hall #2: Convening the DD Community in the time of COVID-19.
Virtual listening session recorded on April 18, 2020 featuring Disability Rights New Jersey and our Developmental Disabilities Network partners, The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, along with invited guests from the Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and their families. This was an opportunity for individuals and family members to connect with us and one another, and promote the sharing of resources, information, and experiences. We will also provide brief updates on the continued work of our agencies in these constantly changing times. You may continue to send questions to questions@drnj.org for inclusion in upcoming virtual listening sessions. To view the slides, visit: https://bit.ly/listen041820
April 15
April 3
Appealing a Reduction, Termination or Denial of Managed Care Services
Disability Rights New Jersey's Community Inclusion team held a webinar on Wednesday April 15, 2020 focusing on the process to appeal a reduction, termination, or denial of Medicaid services delivered through a Managed Care Organization. Over 50 attendees learned how to preserve their Medicaid benefits and advocate for themselves and others. Though most Medicaid reductions and terminations are on hold during the COVID-19 health emergency, there is never a bad time to learn how to exercise your rights.
Letter to Governor Murphy Addressing Medical Rationing
As the COVID19 crisis increases in the United States, and the critical need for medical care surges, Disability Rights New Jersey is concerned that there may be shortages of medical equipment, which may lead to rationing. Read Executive Director, Gwen Orlowski's letter to Governor Phil Murphy proposing important principles for the delivery of care to individuals with disabilities.
Victory by Alabama's P & A challenging state's medical rationing policy for discriminating against people with disabilities - Alabama Withdraws Discriminatory Ventilator Rationing Policy and Issues Directive About Non-Discrimination in Accessing Life-Saving Treatment April 8, 2020
The Community Inclusion team continues to participate in the increasing volume of end-of-life ethics committees for individuals who are served by the state Bureau of Guardianship Services (BGS). DRNJ ensures that an individualized assessment of an individual's wishes and best interests occurs before a decision is made to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment for terminally ill individuals for whom BGS serves as guardian.
To remain engaged with our clientele, the Community Inclusion team has partnered with DRNJ's AIDD sister agencies to host an ongoing series of virtual town halls to make sure we align our advocacy resources with the pandemic-related issues that are most pressing for people with disabilities, their families, and their advocates. As new legal issues inevitably arise, we will adapt our advocacy strategy accordingly.
April 2
NJ AIDD Network Virtual Town Hall: Convening the DD Community in the time of COVID-19.
Virtual listening session recorded on April 2, 2020 featuring Disability Rights New Jersey and our Developmental Disabilities Network partners, The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, along with invited guests from the Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and their families. This was an opportunity for individuals and family members to connect with us and one another, and promote the sharing of resources, information, and experiences. We will also provide brief updates on the continued work of our agencies in these constantly changing times.
The 2nd Virtual Town Hall Convening of the DD Community will be held April 18th at 2pm.
Join DRNJ & the DD Network Partners for this Free Webinar.
If you have questions you would like us to address at the Virtual Town Hall, please send them in advance to:
March 24
Ask Governor Murphy to Protect the Welfare of New Jersey Citizens with Disabilities
Our commitment to serving the needs of individuals with disabilities never ceases. Adults and children alike, with disabilities are among those at the greatest risk in this crisis because so many are in institutions or incarcerated, homeless, seniors or medically compromised, or dependent on others for care.
NJ Governor, Phil Murphy, along with the Department of Health and other state agencies have mobilized state resources to confront the COVID-19 pandemic. DRNJ applauds these efforts, and asks them to keep a special focus on the additional steps necessary to protect individuals with disabilities.
Other Resources That May Be Helpful to You
NJ.Gov Library Resources
NJ Mental Health Cares Emotional Support Resources
NJ Department of Children & Families