Upcoming Events
Self-Settled Special Needs Trusts: An Introduction
Join us for this informative event with Disability Rights NJ Managing Attorney, Michael Brower of our Community Inclusion Team, in collaboration with Ryann Siclari, Counsel to Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C. and a member of the firm’s Wealth Preservation Group.
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2-3PM
Learning Objectives:
Identify when to consider a self-settled special needs trust
Consider pros and cons of self-settled special needs trusts
Know where to look for help setting one up.
Ryann Siclari has a Master of Law specializing in Elder Law and concentrates her practice on a wide range of elder and disability law issues including long term care, government benefits planning and advocacy, estate and trust administration, and estate planning. Ryann speaks regularly to the community, other attorneys, and State agencies on topics affecting people who are aging or disabled.
Special Education OPEN HOUSE
Join Disability Rights New Jersey staff on Tuesday, May 11 at 3PM for an hour-long Open House to learn about special education during COVID, answer your questions about compensatory education and transition services required by school districts.
Register today for our Open House and speak with our experts.
SSI & SSDI Overpayments:An Overview of What you Need to Know to Tackle Overpayments PART TWO
SSDI Overpayments: A Basic Overview
Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 at 2 PM
Please join the Employment Team of Disability Rights New Jersey as they host a two-part webinar intended to provide a basic overview of SSI and SSDI overpayments, how to respond appropriately, and how to prevent recoupment while appealing the issue.
If you are an individual who receives either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or care for someone that does, you may have received notices from Social Security that you have received monthly benefits in excess of what the law permits. This is called an overpayment. Such overpayments may or may not be accurate or legitimate.
A social security recipient can appeal overpayments and this webinar will show you how. Each seminar is tailored to whether you receive either SSI or SSDI.
The rules differ regarding the appeal process of an overpayment and can be numerous and complex. This is an important webinar not to miss.
What You Will Learn:
What is an overpayment?
What are the basics of challenging an overpayment based on your SSDI benefit?
What are the three ways to handle an overpayment situation (Reconsideration, Waiver and Negotiation)?
Time limitations that apply to challenging SSDI overpayments.
What are some strategies for dealing with one or all three ways to address your overpayment?
What forms should I file, when should I file them, and how should I use them?
Virtual Vigil: In Honor of People with Developmental Disabilities who have been the Victim of Sexual Violence
Every April since 1981 the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) in the US Department of Justice has designated a week in April to renew the commitment to serving all victims of crime. This year’s theme is: Support Victims Build Trust Engage Communities. This theme emphasizes the importance of community and this year we wanted to ensure that the voices of people with disabilities are added to those of the victim/survivor community.
The Arc of New Jersey will be hosting a virtual vigil for victims of crime with intellectual and developmental disabilities on Wednesday, April 21st, from 4 pm to 5 pm and will include remar ks from professionals and victims, music and a candle lighting ceremony to honor victims/survivors of violent crime who are people with developmental disabilities.
Please see below for related links.
SSI & SSDI Overpayments: An Overview of What you Need to Know to Tackle Overpayments PART ONE
SSI Overpayments: A Basic Overview
Thursday, April 15th, 2021 at 2 PM
Please join the Employment Team of Disability Rights New Jersey as they host a two-part webinar intended to provide a basic overview of SSI and SSDI overpayments, how to respond appropriately, and how to prevent recoupment while appealing the issue.
If you are an individual who receives either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or care for someone that does, you may have received notices from Social Security that you have received monthly benefits in excess of what the law permits. This is called an overpayment. Such overpayments may or may not be accurate or legitimate.
A social security recipient can appeal overpayments and this webinar will show you how. Each seminar is tailored to whether you receive either SSI or SSDI.
The rules differ regarding the appeal process of an overpayment and can be numerous and complex. This is an important webinar not to miss.
What You Will Learn:
What is an overpayment?
What are the basics of challenging an overpayment based on your SSI benefit?
What are the three ways to handle an overpayment situation (Reconsideration, Waiver and Negotiation)?
Time limitations that apply to challenging SSI overpayments.
What are some strategies for dealing with one or all three ways to address your overpayment?
What forms should I file, when should I file them, and how should I use them?
Supported Decision-Making vs. Guardianship: How to Balance Rights and Safety
Disability Rights New Jersey is proud to share this important continuing education event on Tuesday, March 30th from New Jersey State Bar Association featuring Michael Brower, Managing Attorney of our Community Inclusion Team.
Michael will speak on supported decision-making and explain how it can work effectively to balance the need to support individuals with disabilities while providing autonomy and dignity. He will contrast #SDM with #guardianship choices by explaining the legal ramifications of both.
For more information or to register:
COVID-19 One Year Later: DD Network Partners Virtual Town Hall listening session
The DD Partners Network resume our virtual town halls with a special listening session on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 7pm-8pm.
Disability Rights NJ, The Council on Developmental Disabilities, and The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities invites you to join us for an open discussion on the one-year mark of COVID-19 and its impact on individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and their families.
Participants will share your thoughts on what progress has been made and offer suggestions for continued areas of advocacy. This is YOUR forum and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.
Questions or comments may be sent in advance to questions@drnj.org
We look forward to seeing you!
NJ AIDD Virtual Town Hall: What's Working for Children with DD?
Please join us for a Town Hall discussion that will focus on issues for children with developmental disabilities. This is a collaboration of Disability Rights New Jersey and our developmental disabilities network partners: The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities.
Our guests from the Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families will join us for the discussion.
Stay tuned for more information and a registration link coming soon.
NJ AIDD Partners Virtual Town Hall: What's Working for Adults with DD?
Please join us for a Town Hall discussion that will focus on issues for adults with developmental disabilities. This is a collaboration of Disability Rights New Jersey and our developmental disabilities network partners: The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities.
Our guests from the Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families will join us for the discussion.
Town Hall Will Address:
DDD congregate day habilitation services partial reopening
Flexibilities in service delivery during the pandemic and beyond
The importance of flu shots
Last-minute voting tips
Other issues raised by the participants
Send Us Your Questions In Advance
If you have questions or concerns you would like us to address during the Virtual Town Hall, please send them in advance to:
Please note that this email is specifically for questions and comments for our virtual town hall only. Any priority issues that would normally go through our intake process should still be directed to our office line at: 1-800-922-7233
Assistive Technology & Voting
Disability Rights New Jersey is hosting a FREE Lunch & Learn about the Assistive Technology, already at your fingertips, that you may use to help you vote in this year's general election.
There is no need to buy expensive apps or software.
Your device may have what you need right out of the box, no matter if you use a PC, Mac, Chromebook, Android or iPhone.
The staff of the Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center of Disability Rights New Jersey will provide a fast paced exploration of accessibility features that may be helpful to you.
What You Will Learn:
Text to speech
Speech to text
How to enlarge the screen
On-screen keyboard
Access to keyboard and mouse if those are hard to use
Voting Rights in the Age of COVID-19 for Residents in Long Term Care Settings
Have questions or concerns about how voting will work this year for residents in long term care? The New Jersey Hospital Association will host a webinar on October 19th at 11 called Voting Rights in the Age of COVID-19 for Residents in Long Term Care Settings. It will feature speakers from the NJ Long Term Care Ombudsman’s Office and Disability Rights New Jersey. The NJ Department of Health and NJ Division of Elections will also be available to answer questions. Registration link below.
DD Partners Town Hall - How to Vote in the 2020 Election
Please join us for a Town Hall discussion that will focus on the voting process in the upcoming General Election. This is a collaboration of
Disability Rights New Jersey and our developmental disabilities network partners: The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities andThe Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities.
Our guests from the Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families will join us for the discussion.
What you will learn:
How to register to vote
How to receive and return a mail-in ballot
How to request disability accommodations
How to vote in person
Deadlines to meet to make sure your vote counts
Send Us Your Questions!
If you have questions you would like us to address at the Virtual Town Hall, please send them in advance to:
Please note that this email is specifically for questions and comments for our virtual town hall only.

Voting Safely in 2020
2020 is a presidential election year which makes it a very important year to exercise your right to vote. Due to COVID-19, there are many questions and concerns about how voting will occur this November.
Disability Rights New Jersey wants to ensure that every individual with a disability feels empowered and understands their right to vote, and how to vote in the upcoming election.
The voting webinar will explain the voting process and changes that will be made in order to vote safely during this pandemic.

New Jersey Assistive Technology Summit
ATAC is proud to host the 4th Annual New Jersey Assistive Technology Summit. This event will bring together AT Professionals, individuals with disabilities and their family members, and representatives from State Agencies to share ideas and strategies to increase independence through the use of Assistive Technology.
COVID-19 Update: Due to the ever changing nature of this pandemic, the ATAC team has decided to host a virtual AT Summit this year. Keep checking back for additional information.
Time: To Be Determined

Voting Safely in 2020
2020 is a presidential election year which makes it a very important year to exercise your right to vote. Due to COVID-19, there are many questions and concerns about how voting will occur this November.
Disability Rights New Jersey wants to ensure that every individual with a disability feels empowered and understands their right to vote, and how to vote in the upcoming election.
The voting webinar will explain the voting process and changes that will be made in order to vote safely during this pandemic.

WEBINAR: Alternatives to Guardianship: Supported Decision Making 101
Join Disability Rights New Jersey staff Michael Brower, Esq. and Jill Hoegel, LCSW along with Values Into Action NJ guest speakers on Wednesday, August 12th for a discussion on guardianship. Registration is required to participate in this workshop.
Decision Making
Legal Frameworks
Supported Decision Making and Guardianship
Q&A panel
Closed Captioning Available

Reopening & Reimagining: A 4-Part Conversation about Services and Supports for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session 4: Reimagining Special Education and Supports and Services - Striving for the Ideal
What you can expect from the session:
The objective is to facilitate a discussion about special education students and individualized planning needs. How can students and families be supported at home and beyond if they are unable to return to school as offered by their districts?
Session 2: Extended School Year and Compensatory Education
Disability Rights NJ presents a two-part Special Education Lunch & Learn Webinar series with a focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our students' needs. Presented by Senior Staff Attorney, Robert Robinson and Regina A. Smith, Legal Extern/Certified Special Education Teacher - they will provide important information for parents of children with special education needs.
Session 2: Extended School Year and Compensatory Education
Basics of Extended School Year and compensatory services
COVID-19's impact on both
Suggested strategies to deal with one or both

Reopening & Reimagining: A 4-Part Conversation about Services and Supports for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session 3: Reopening Schools - Factors to Consider
What you can expect from the session:
The objective is to facilitate a discussion to lay out the concerns and questions associated with special education students returning to school. What factors need to be considered related to transportation, school building, class structure, lunch area, outside space, mask wearing, visitors, etc.? This session will explore what we know, potential options for reopening schools and listen to your thoughts, concerns and suggestions.

Reopening and Reimagining Town Hall Series: A 4-Part Conversation About Services and Supports for Individual with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session 2: Reimagine Adult Supports and Services - Striving for the Ideal
What you can expect from this session:
Listen to advocates and family members explain their best life and how they plan out the supports and services to achieve the best life. Help facilitate thinking about the best life without funding, staffing, transportation and other barriers. Support and facilitate ideas that help to achieve the best life.

Reopening and Reimagining Town Hall Series: A 4-Part Conversation about Services and Supports for Individual with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Session 1: Reopening Adult Programs, Supports and Services – Factors to Consider
This session will address reopening concerns and questions raised within all congregate and community settings (Day Programs/Sheltered Workshops/Medical Day Programs/Employment/Volunteer/Job Training and Sampling).
What you can expect from the session:
This session will explore and ask the question: Putting the Budget Aside - What does your loved one’s ideal life/schedule/week look like? What are the things that people enjoy, bring meaning, support contribution, etc.? What are the things that prevent these good lives from happening? As the service system is forced to change we look toward the opportunity. How do you/your family member want to be supported so they can achieve their best life?

Visual Supports – An Eye on Visuals
Visual supports are critical in meeting the social-emotional, behavioral, and learning needs of students including those with autism, ID, as well as learning and executive functioning disabilities.
This session will examine evidence-based visual strategies and how they can be implemented in any learning setting. The use of schedules, token economies, social narratives, graphic organizers, and more will be demonstrated and participants will learn where to find ready made materials and resources to generate customized visual supports.

Resources and Strategies to Support Communication and Language Development for Young Children with Disabilities
This session will explore technology resources that can be powerful tools to support language development through play for young children, including those with language delays and who may be using alternative and augmentative communication (AAC).

Resources and Strategies to Support Problem Solving and Early Mathematics Understanding for Young Children with Disabilities
It is essential that preschool students are provided with a strong foundation in early mathematics before engaging in math instruction in elementary school This series will help educators understand the development of conceptual mathematical skills, how to build a foundation for mathematical thinking, and how to adapt mathematics instruction to make it accessible and meaningful to early math learners.

Resources and Strategies to Support Early Writing Development in Young Children with Disabilities
This session will explore strategies and resources that support young children in exploring writing tools, moving from drawing and scribbling to making letters, and establishing an understanding of the power of expressing their own thoughts in print as the foundations for early writing skills.
There will be a specific focus on ensuring that early writing instruction is accessible to children with communication and physical disabilities.

Resources and Strategies to Support Early Reading Development in Young Children with Disabilities
This 1st session will explore strategies and resources that support young children in developing alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness as the foundations for early reading skills.
There will be a specific focus on ensuring that early reading instruction is accessible to children with communication and physical disabilities.

DD Network Partners Virtual Town Halls: Continuing the Conversation - COVID-19 with a Focus on Children
The NJ AIDD Network partners will be joined by Mollie Green, Assistant Commissioner of the Children's System of Care within the Department of Children and Families, who will provide an update on CSOC in this part two of the series dedicated to children’s issues.

Healthcare Directives and Advance Care Planning
While always prudent, advanced healthcare planning and decision-making about minor children is more important than ever during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure that your own wishes are carried out should it be necessary. We will also provide a brief overview of NJ's new medical rationing policy and exceptions to hospital visitation policy for individuals with disabilities and designated support persons.

DD Network Partners Virtual Town Halls: Continuing the Conversation - COVID-19 with a Focus on Children
In Part One of this series, we welcome Dr. Kim Buxenbaum, Director of the Office of Special Education and Dominic Rota, Director of the Office of Special Education Policy and Dispute Resolution. DRNJ staff attorney Robert Robinson and DRNJ Legal Director Rebecca Shore will also be on hand to answer your questions.

LUNCH & LEARN: Coaching Corner – How To Effectively Coach Communication Partners to Teach Language Using AAC
It takes practice to learn any skill. Want to become better at dribbling a basketball? You need practice. Want to learn how to play the guitar? You need practice. Want to become a communication partner who effectively demonstrates and teaches language to users of AAC? You need practice! Practice alone, however, does not make perfect. Instead, perfect practice makes perfect. To become a more effective communication partner who is practicing perfectly, feedback and guidance are important factors. Participants in this experience will learn a systematic structure for how to develop and foster skills in others so they can become an effective communication partner.