Voting Team
Voting establishes our voice in the community and sends a message about the values we hold to the highest priority. Disability Rights New Jersey encourages voters with disabilities to make accommodations in advance of voting day to ensure their access to the polls, especially during this challenging time. If you require assistance, there are resources available to help.
On April 8th, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy issued an Executive Order, postponing the State's primary elections from June 2nd to July 7th and changing other important voting deadlines, due to COVID-19. We shared this important change with our audience through our communications channels.
Disability Rights New Jersey has set up a Voting Hotline to answer your disability related questions as they pertain to voting this election year.
Call the hotline at 866-493-0023 or email your questions to voterhotline@drnj.org
Voter Hotline is available 9am to 4pm M-F and 7am to 8pm on Election Day.
Election 2020: Voting Challenges for The Disabled
A 2016 study by the Government Accountability Office found 60 percent of polling places had at least one accessibility issue.
This year, amid a global health crisis, they find the largest minority group will face barriers they’ve never seen before.
DRNJ Director of Policy, Mary Ciccone has been quoted.
October 19
If you have questions or concerns about how voting will work this year for residents in long term care, the New Jersey Hospital Association hosted a webinar on October 19th called Voting Rights in the Age of COVID-19 for Residents in Long Term Care Settings. It featured speakers from the NJ Long Term Care Ombudsman’s Office and Disability Rights New Jersey. The NJ Department of Health and NJ Division of Elections were also available to answer questions. View the webinar slides and recording below.
October 6
New Jersey’s Long Term Care Ombudsman created a comprehensive Voting Guidance reference in addition to the guidance provided by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Disability Rights New Jersey, along with League of Women Voters signed a letter with the NJ ACLU regarding ballot rejections in Hudson County.
September 22
2020 is a presidential election year which makes it a very important year to exercise your right to vote. Due to COVID-19, there are many questions and concerns about how voting will occur this November.
Disability Rights New Jersey wants to ensure that every individual with a disability feels empowered and understands their right to vote, and how to vote in the upcoming election
September 16
May 12
App.com Published an OpEd by Disability Rights NJ Director of Policy, Mary Ciccone, on the Necessity of Voter Accessibility
According to the American Association of People with Disabilities, in 2018, only 40% of eligible individuals with disabilities voted, and many individuals cited existing barriers as a reason to not vote. Lack of accessibility will only make it more difficult for individuals with disabilities to vote.
June 3
House Committee on the Judiciary
Protecting the Right to Vote During the COVID-19 Pandemic
April 12
Primary Elections Postponed Due to COVID-19
Registered voters currently affiliated with a political party who wish to change their party affiliation now have until May 13th to file a political party affiliation declaration form. In NJ's primary elections, you must be a declared member of a party to vote in that party's primary. Unaffiliated registered voters may declare their affiliation up to and including primary election day.
The new voter registration deadline is June 16th.
Voters have until June 30th to apply to receive a vote-by-mail ballot through the mail.
2020 Census Team
Census data is critical for emergency preparedness and response. While this won’t help immediately, participation, particularly of those with disabilities, will make a valuable impact in the resources and needs for future emergencies, including recurrences of the Coronavirus. We have prepared several posts, emails and videos, both in English and Spanish, to encourage individuals with disabilities to be counted in the 2020 Census.
Disability Rights NJ Announced Free Webinar on April 22 to share Assistive Technology to help you complete the 2020 Census Form
April 9th 2020
April 1
March 26
Launching the 2020 Census Initiative
April 1, 2020
Calling out the importance of the 2020 Census.
March 26, 2020
April 1
Brought to you by Disability Rights New Jersey